Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Mask

The following was passed along to me. If you know the author or where it originated, please have her contact me. Thank you. -Lynda Cheldelin Fell

The Mask 

One day, many moons ago and shortly after my son passed away, a bereaved parent asked me “Have you started wearing your mask yet?" My reaction was to give her a puzzled look, the look of someone who did not understand what the mask meant or the meaning of her question. 

Having survived a full year of sorrows and after having experienced the “tidal waves,” the “crashing,” the “rebuilding” and the tremendous loneliness steaming deep from my tormented soul, I have finally understood what wearing the mask was all about.

Lessons came in early and quickly at the start of my journey as a bereaved parent. I rapidly learned that whenever I showed my “raw” grief over the loss of my child, or even glimpses of the incredibly difficult path I was traveling on, I was often times treated with pity, surprise or disbelief. Many of those times I was also bombarded with unsolicited advice, while other times I encountered distant stares and a coldness that stem from a place of disengagement and uncaring demeanor. 

It seemed to me that my grieving had suddenly turned me into someone to feel sorry for, who seemed overly vulnerable and dangerously approaching a point of failure. Someone I did not recognize and prompted to be shun away. 

My strength also became questionable and my grieving needs were shortchanged. Defective, unfit, complicated, stuck, unhealthy, and broken are many of the words crossing my mind when I think of a bereaved parent like me. It is not surprising then that my natural inclinations were (are) to conceal the depths and extent of my sorrows. 

Conceal? Yes, as I have quickly and painfully realized that my ability to “function” and “fit in” in a blissfully sorrow-ignorant society seems to be dependent on my resilience. The faster I am able to recover and move on, the stronger, more independent and capable I seem, and the more desirable person to be around I become.

Pain, I’ve noticed, makes people uncomfortable and weakness seems to have no place. My sorrow can only coexist, so it seems, in the dark depths of my broken soul. 

Luckily for me, I quickly discovered the “I am okay” mask, which I now wear daily – it feels safe and it works! This mask is what allows me to go to work, socialize and appear as “normal” to the rest of the world as possible. This mask also seems to give others a sense of comfort. The comfort steaming from the belief that I am okay, and finally “moving on/forward,” and “getting over it.” Clearly, if I look “okay” then I am definitely on my way to recovery. 

Unfortunately, the possibility of recovering from the loss of my precious child is null. There simply is no “moving on,” “getting over with” or “moving forward.” My grief has no expiration date, and my recovery is simply an impossibility. Wearing the mask is my saving grace, my safety net, but also my torment. This mask can be so exhausting… 

Consequently there are times, when burdened by the pressures of my contained pain, that I’ve chosen to take my mask off (just for a bit), and finally let the guard down and share my sheer pain. Sadly, disappointment has quickly followed. The reactions I’ve encountered have made me want to immediately crawl back into that little cold, lonely but safe place (where ONLY I know how bad it is, how cold it feels in it and how lonely it becomes) and once again, I am forced to wear the mask. 

The cold stares…the pity…and the ill-advised comments quickly disappear afterwards. 

So I ask, why is grieving so difficult to handle? Is it because of our human quality to quickly want to fix anything that seems to be broken? Or is it our inability to accept things that cannot be changed, such as death? If people were to just stop trying to fix me, telling me what to do, acting as if they understand how I feel (unless you lost your child, you don’t), and trying to change me (and all other bereaved parents), I (we) will be once again free. I (we) will not have to hide behind the “feel good/I am okay mask," since this mask can only masquerade the pain, but could never take it away. 

And I could only hope that one day, people will finally understand that the loss of a child is a devastating event beyond repair. That life as it has been known, no longer is. That the cycle of life has been permanently altered, the chess pieces moved, and the lives of parents, relatives and friends forever changed. You cannot fix the “unfixable” – you just can’t! 

Instead love and accept us just as we come…imperfect, broken, different, hurt, and desperately trying to survive." ~ Anonymous

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ten years ago today I weighed 100 pounds more


Ten years ago today, I weighed 100 pounds more. Yep, I'm a food addict. There, I said it.

On January 20, 2006, I weighed 227 pounds. My stomach never registered "full," and 30 minutes after a large meal I was already grazing. Sweets was my downfall. It's not an exaggeration to say that I went years without a fruit or vegetable. Cookies, brownies, cakes and pies were my entire food pyramid. Ashamed at my inability to control myself, I put in effort only to watch my weight go up and down like a yo-yo.

So what was my turning point ten years ago? I turned 40. And when I went for my long overdue annual exam, the doctor's scale gave me sticker shock. I knew I was a tight size 20, but inside I felt thin. I was intelligent, loving, caring, and compassionate. I was a good wife, a good mother, I volunteered in the community, and had a soft spot for the underdogs of society. But those qualities were invisible to most, because my book was judged by the cover. And that hurt.

But turning 40 worried me. Struggling with so much additional weight, if I didn't start taking better care of my "vehicle," instinctively I knew my mileage was limited. The sticker shock of the doctor's scale was a catalyst for change.

I knew that if I continued to treat my body poorly, it would treat me poorly. 

So ten years ago today, my neighbor and I started walking. She had a puppy that needed exercise, and I was determined to advance into the second half of my life in better shape. So off we went every morning like clockwork. We walked my kids to the bus stop and, when the bus pulled away, we continued on to the nearby cemetery that offered flat pathways, scenic trees, and a peaceful ambiance. Every morning Monday through Friday we walked an average of 2 to 3 miles. 

I also changed my diet. I didn't weigh portions, I didn't count calories. My only diet rule was that whatever I put into my mouth had to be nourishing.....it had to be useful to my body. If it came from a box or a can, I knew the artificial additives cancelled out most nutritional value. Which meant that processed food of any kind was not only on the naughty list, much of it was downright harmful. 

At first, everything tasted bland and booooorrrring, but I was determined. And, to my delight, my taste buds recalibrated and healthy food actually began tasting good (who knew?!). 

Since I didn't own one, my neighbor brought her scale to the top of the driveway on the first of the month so we could check my progress. Between the morning walks and my eating for health, I lost 10 to 12 pounds every month. I didn't have a set weight I wanted to reach. My goal was to get healthy, not wear a bikini. And one day the scale revealed a triumph my neighbor and I never expected: I had shed 100 pounds.

Equally important was the treasured time with my neighbor. Our morning walks became our uninterrupted gab fests allowing us to laugh, vent, cry, and brainstorm. We walked through life's ups and downs including the death of her nephew in a car accident and the death of my daughter in a car accident. We walked through our children growing into adults, getting married, and the delights of becoming grandparents. As we walk through morning sunshine, spring rain, autumn's foliage display, and winter's bitter wind, we share life's challenges, joys, and sorrow. We giggle like schoolgirls at life's humor, and brainstorm over how to solve world problems.

Today as I celebrate ten years of healthful living, I also celebrate a friendship that I treasure beyond words. I'm 50 now and my neighbor is 58, and I imagine we won't be slowing down anytime soon.  Happy 10th anniversary indeed!

Do you have your own eating struggles? Join me in sharing our stories in Grief Diaries:  Through the Eyes of an Eating Disorder.